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Comemoração das Missões Coop! II Encontro da Comunidade ?!?!


Quase Americano
Então, já que podemos começar a fazer missões (Terça que vem - caraca, não passa o tempo) em conjunto eu proponho marcar um encontro no nosso sistema de escolha...Sáb ou Dom? Tardinha quase noite? Transmissão ao Vivo? Fechada ou aberto pra galera? Cês acham que esta na hora de apelidar/nomear o grupo?

Quanta coisa...que cês acham, vamos?


Prefiro Domingo a noite. Só preciso testar ou ouvir de alguém que tenha testado a python no 1.1 pra saber se fico só com ela ou se mantenho a minha type 9 junto..

Quanto a apelidar o grupo você se refere a enomear como um CLAN? O problema é achar um nome hahah


Quase Americano
Eu gosto de Domingo também.

Discussão da Python no fórum:

Spent a couple hours selling type 9's and modules back to dalton station, got into a python. Did some testing with it, here are my overall impressions:

  • A python fitted with A-type thrusters on the beta server flies with about the agility of a type-E thruster python on the main server. My maximum speed while boosting was around 310 m/s on the beta server with type A thrusters. The type-E thruster python on the main server gets around 330 m/s boosted.

  • Took the python into a bounty hunting site - performed well. The reduced shields are noticeable, but not terribly detrimental.

  • I'm not the best pilot ever, but I tried to get some pvp action with the nerfed python. All told, I managed to get 4 1v1's: 3 Against vipers, and 1 against a cobra. I have no idea how good or bad the respective pilots were, so anecdotal evidence is anectodal. My loadout was pretty mediocre: Three Gimballed Class 3 Pulse lasers and Two seeker missiles. Mostly A type mods fitted, A6 shields, shield cells, etc.

  • Of the 4 engagements I managed to kill 1 viper and the cobra (cobra died really fast), in both of the other engagements the viper managed to disengage. All 4 were using chaff, so had to use my pulse lasers un-targeted. The only bit of fancy flying on my part was going FA off and full reverse to keep them in my sights as much as possible (like I said, I don't claim to be the best pilot ever).

  • One of the vipers tried to dumbfire me to burst down my shields - didn't end up doing much.
The impression I came away with is that while the nerf is noticeable, the python is still a very capable ship. Having flown the imperial clipper and the asp extensively, I rather doubt any of them will surpass the python in the combat role. Hell, the asp is just a fatter, slower cobra for purposes of getting shot - I know I wouldn't want my asp to get caught in the sights of 3 large weapons.
Anyway, just my 2 cents from having actually flown the thing on both servers.


Bem, vamos ter o campeonato. Hoje à noite vou preparar o formulário de inscrição com as regras e mostro para vocês antes de liberar, ok?